Digital Corescan Systems
High resolution digital color core image analysis systems for geological exploration, interpretation and documentation
Since 1990 GEOlogik CoreScan / FlatScan System provides a unique tool for keeping archives, for documentation and analyses of drill and slabbed cores.
High resolution direct digitized images of drill cores can be displayed and analysed in detail. The combination of data from digitized images and structural analyses of the core are the basic data for geological interpretation.
For geoscience - exploration, production and documentation - the GEOlogik CoreScan System provides precise, high quality results affordable also for companies and scientific institutions.
Features of the GEOlogik CoreScan Service
True digital scanning, geometric analyses of drill and slabbed cores and evaluation of basic data sets. Integration of image and geometric data storing in one basic data set. Organization of the image data bank from processed data with detailed analyses.
Development of Hardware and Software - Software design according to your individual problems. Application for different materials such as ice hard and soft rock.
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Digital Core Image
Analysis Sstems
Service & more
Azimuthal core image
for core reorientation &
3d-structural analysis
Hard- or softrock, boxed &     slabbet cores for documentation
and thin layer analysis
Grain size / sediment transport direction analysis
Geoscience Applikations
Structural and statistical
analysis of cores.
Geological, diagenetic,     lithological, tectonical &    sedimentary  interpretations. Collection & analyse    
of thin layers.
Geotechnical and geopysical exploration and investigation.
Reorientation of cores.
Core image analysis.
Cluster analysis.
Facies classification.
Core information system. Sedimentological studies:
Grain size distribution.
c/o Joerg Gessner
Ust.-Id. Nr.: DE-165480859
D-45731 Waltrop
Sydowstr. 35
Tel.:  (+49) 2309  409 750
Fax : (+49) 2309  409 751